Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Attack the Block - film review

Outline: Intergalactic bear-monkeys land in east London, UK, for a game of tag with tower-block dwelling disadvantaged youths. Aka An Introduction to 21st Century youthspeak.

The mood is set from the outset, the score reminiscent of favourite horror-comedies like gremlins, critters and lesser known gems like killer klowns from outer space. The tone continues throughout, and despite the modern setting and today's gang-culture language, succeeds in feeling retro. It may jump from comedic to horrific on occasion too quickly, but, for me, this enhanced its retro vibe. It is the imperfections that we often love about these types of films.

That's not to say this lacks polish. The aliens are unique and well-rendered and never feel fake. Their glowing teeth are eery. And the action scenes are well done, successfully combining action, tension and plenty of blood. First time director, Joe Cornish, will be justifiably pleased with his efforts, and looks to have a bright film-making future. With more experience, he will perhaps be able to avoid the clumsiness of the 'fog' scene where both the character and the audience becomes disoriented. But this does not detract from what is an exciting denoument.

As we follow the gang around their tower block, and the aliens follow them, there are obvious plot markers laid down, without subtlety, such as a jump a gang member cannot make, or the early explanation for the aliens' arrival. But this does not matter. It's about the chase, and how much fun you can have at the same time. And with a cast of relative unknowns (Nick Frost makes a typically laid back appearance, the antithesis of his more angry Spaced performances) the acting is very good throughout.

Overall, an entertaining watch, and worth the cinema admission fee. The only thing missing is two Critters-esque galactic bounty hunters wrecking havoc on an unsuspecting local community. Maybe in the sequel.


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