Hi folks, and welcome to the new subs. With so many new subs it seemed like a good week to highlight the fact that the Neon series prequel, Neon Zero, is permafree and available from Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Click the box above! Back to discounts and offers on my other titles next week!
The Risen audiobook is with ACX at the moment for approval. They seem to have upped their game, so there might be codes available for that soon. Aria Gray did a great job at narration, performing the spoken parts; strange to listen to as a writer, but very enjoyable.
On the reading front, I'll be on A Feast For Crows by GRRM for a good while yet. I tend not to read quickly when writing. It was however my birthday recently, and I received The Curry Guy Bible, which I highly recommend if you are a curryhead like me. Below is my maiden recipe attempt, Lollipop Chicken.  Any Six Feet Under fans here? I'm into the final season. With a few years behind me now, since watching it for the first time in the early 2000s, two things strike me - it's a lot bleaker than I even remember. Maybe I focused on the dark humour before, but now, with so many excellently written dramadies since, it's less humour and more drama. It's great how a show about death can shine a light upon life. The second point is the character writing is even better than I remember, BUT a little too on the nose at times, with its convenient death-of-the-weeks. Still, hankies at the ready for THAT ending.
Another viewing pleasure this week was The Exorcist at the cinema, to support the cinema, but also to see this film - one of my favourites - on the big screen. The visual was great as always, but the sound was on another level. By far the best way to see it.
Anyway, I've rambled on enough. Check out Neon Zero, and Growlers below (also free) plus the other promos this week, and I'll see you beyond the pines. |